It is a peculiar process, the cold draw. This process begins when a metal rod or tube is loaded into a die and dragged through. And this occurs at room temperature, which is to say not hot at all. The die is a tool designed to form the metal into whatever shape we want. When the metal passes through this die, it is drawn out and stretched so that it becomes thinner. This Huitong besiūlių vamzdžių gamintojai process of stretching creates a much smoother surface on the metal than hot finished tubing. Hot finished tubing – it is first heated to a very high temperature and then shaped, so you may notice rough.
The importance of low temperature during cold drawing methode in LEVEL 2 Here is an image How it works? An overview: Cold drawing – what can be done with metal at lower temperatures. Excessive metal heating can cause oxidation and gain a rough surface. It is also nice and smooth all the way down the tube thanks to cold drawing. This is extremely critical to ensure proper functionality of the tubing for various applications.
A major difference between the two is how much they cost. Cold drawn seamless tubing typically is less expensive than hot finished tubing because it is less energy and resource intensive to make. This Huitong sch 40 seamless pipe is particularly important for companies that use higher amounts of tubing for their products. Cold drawn tubing you will also common in lower variability of quality and performance. This is especially vital for industries like automotive and medical applications, where reliability matters a lot.
Medical Device Testing & EngineeringHome / IndustriesThe Following Information Has Been Provided By Rubber to Metal BondingFor more than a century, rubber has transformed into one of the most versatile materials known. From automotive work to medical devices, this diverse material covers far beyond the springs and mats many people use in everyday life- tackling stunning challenges around the world through its ingenious application.
For instance, it is a huge component in the automotive industry. Huitong Produktai employed in a lot of critical areas, including exhaust systems and suspension parts. These components must be extremely robust and resistant to significant stress. Cold drawn tubing also plays a major role in the medical field. It is employed for surgical equipment, implants and other medical devices that require high precision and accuracy during the manufacturing process.
Shandong Huitong grupės kokybės tikrinimo centras turi sudėtingą mokslinio aptikimo technologiją, kokybės valdiklius su aukščiausios kokybės funkcijomis, tokiomis kaip 80 MPa hidrostatinis slėgio malūnas, ultragarsinis defektų detektorius, srovės įtrūkimų aptikimo sistema, optinės emisijos spektrometrija. Pramonės karaliui buvo suteikta universali testavimo įranga. Centras galėjo suteiktiGavome įvairius tarptautinius sertifikatus, įskaitant ISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, taip pat gavome labai prestižinius APl ir BV sertifikatus. Prisidėjome prie kelių nacionalinių standartų peržiūros ir sukūrėme visapusišką kokybės kontrolės ir tikrinimo sistemą, kuri stebi visus etapus nuo žaliavų iki galutinio produkto. Mūsų gamybos pajėgumų kokybė, aptarnavimas ir standartai yra vieni geriausių versle.
The company is specialized in a variety of items that include oil casing pipes medium and high-pressure boiler tubes, hydraulic support pipes,the largest and most diverse seamless steel pipe producer in the automotive half-shaft sleeves pipes for fluid conveyance, and structural. Hebei, Shandong and Henan regions. Pipes. The company boasts four of the most cutting-edge cold drawn seamless pipe lines. Additionally, we are equipped with ISO9001 production lines as well as four production lines for hot-rolled seamless pipes. With an annual output capacity of 850,000 from API and BV. We've assisted in the revision of the standards for seamless steel tubes according to different specifications and types of materials. We have also created an inspection system that can control every step of production starting from raw materials to the finished product. Our products for production are used in a wide range of industries, including power capacity and petroleum, defense, maritime, and aerospace. Generation, chemical coal mining, machinery defence, maritime and aerospace.
Įkurta 2003 m., Shandong Huitong Group dabar gali pasigirti daugiau nei 3 milijardų RMB turto baze, taip pat daugiau nei 1,000 1,300 darbuotojų ir apima daugiau nei XNUMX XNUMX akrų. Grupę sudaro daugiau nei dešimt dukterinių įmonių, įskaitant Shandong Huitong Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shandong Haixinda Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., Shandong Huitong Metal Materials Market Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhitong E-commerce Park Management Co., Ltd. , ir Huitong Microfinance Co., Ltd. Kaip didelės apimties moderni įmonė, Huitong Group specializuojasi pramoninėje gamyboje, elektroninėje prekyboje, finansinėse investicijose ir garantijose, rinkos operacijose ir valdyme, metalo tikrinimo ir bandymo, logistikos ir platinimo bei verslumo inovacijų paslaugose. Įmonė teikia daugiau nei tūkstantį skirtingų specifikacijų, todėl yra didžiausia ir įvairesnė vientisa plieno vamzdžių gamintojas Hebei, Shandong ir Henan regionuose.
Shandong Huitong Group pagaminti plieniniai vamzdžiai yra plačiai naudojami daugiau nei 100 šalių, įskaitant Kiniją. Indija, Tailandas, Vietnamas, Korėja. Iranas, Turkija, Brazilija ir Egiptas.
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