Steel pipe | Important tubes --> They help transport things like oil, gas, water and steam from point A to point B. These types of pipes are used really in a variety of industries including construction, cars, and airplanes. Much more difficult to transport these materials without steel pipes, safe. There are different size and shape of steel pipes as per the work they get used for, and work location. But some pipettes are really big and come with strength to spare, while others are smaller and lighter.
ASME B36. 10M is a specification for producing and using steel pipes. These rules ensure that the pipes are safe and perform well under various conditions. They explain to manufacturers how large the pipes should be and what the materials should be to ensure that they are strong. Pipes can withstand high pressure and heat and other harsh conditions. These rules are crucial for ensuring the reliability and safety of the pipes.
Following the ASME B36. IS 10M rules is too important for those who manufacture steel pipes and also for those who use steel pipes. These regulations ensure the safety and reliability of the steel pipes. This means that when everybody is on the same page, the pipes fit together more smoothly. That means fewer issues and safer usage of the pipes. The rules also allow pipes to withstand harsh conditions, such as rust and damage. Pipes manufactured under these standards provide long-lasting and trouble-free performance, even in demanding environments.
Huitong is a manufacturer of a good quality seamless steel pipe. We strive to comply with ASME B36 to a tee. 10M rules to ensure our pipes are top-notch. The pipes are made of the highest quality, selected from our range of best-in-class materials. Pipes are also made with new machines and technology. We train our skilled workers to do their job to the highest possible standard, to ensure that every pipe is produced correctly. We put our pipes through real-life conditions to confirm proper sizing and effective operation. We also scan to find any damage, such as cracks and leaks, to ensure that our pipes are safe for our customers.
There are a number of crucial factors to consider when manufacturing steel pipes. Before anything, you need to know where the pipe will be used and what the pipe will be into. A line for oil might have to be more durable than one for water, for example. You have to consider the size and material of the pipe too. The pipe's material can be different, making it stronger or lighter. Other key considerations are how much pressure and heat the pipe will experience in use. Finally, the pipe has to be sturdy yet easy to assemble, so that installation can be without trouble.
Podjetje ima več kot deset podružnic, vključno s Shandong Huitong Industries Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Shandong Haixinda Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. Shandong Huitong Metal Materials Market Co. Ltd. Shandong Zhitong E-commerce Park Management Co. Ltd. in Huitong Microfinance . Skupina obsega več kot deset podružnic, vključno s Shandong Huitong Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shandong Haixinda Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd, Shandong Huitong Metal Materials Market Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhitong E-commerce Park Management Co., Ltd. , in Huitong Microfinance Co., Ltd. Huitong Group je kot obsežno sodobno podjetje specializirano za industrijsko proizvodnja, e-trgovina, finančne naložbe in garancije, tržne operacije in upravljanje, inšpekcija in testiranje kovin, logistika in distribucija ter storitve podjetniških inovacij. Podjetje ponuja več kot tisoč različnih specifikacij, zaradi česar je največji in najbolj raznolik proizvajalec brezšivnih jeklenih cevi v regijah Hebei, Shandong in Henan.
Podjetje je specialist za srednje- in visokotlačne cevi za parne kotle, hidravlične podporne cevi, največji in najširši proizvajalec brezšivnih jeklenih cevi v avtomobilski polovični osi, transportu tekočin in konstrukcijah. Regije Hebei, Shandong in Henan. Cevi. Podjetje se ponaša s štirimi sodobnimi hladno vlečenimi brezšivnimi cevovodi. Poleg tega smo opremljeni s proizvodnimi linijami ISO9001 in štirimi linijami za proizvodnjo vroče valjanih brezšivnih cevi. Z zmogljivostjo 850,000 je skupno podjetje med API in BV. Sodelovali smo pri reviziji različnih nacionalnih ton brezšivnih jeklenih cevi z različnimi specifikacijami in materiali, njihovimi standardi ter vzpostavili celovit nadzor kakovosti in inšpekcijski postopek, ki spremlja vsak korak, od surovin do končnih izdelkov. Naši izdelki se uporabljajo v različnih panogah, vključno z močjo, nafto, obrambo, pomorstvom in vesoljem. proizvodnja kemikalij, stroji za premog, obrambno pomorstvo in vesoljski promet.
Center za inšpekcijo kakovosti skupine Shandong Huitong ima sofisticirano tehnološko opremo za odkrivanje, kontrolor kakovosti, ki ima visoko kakovost, v njej, 80Mpa hidrostatični mlin za testiranje, ultrazvočni detektor napak, trenutni sistem za odkrivanje razpok, optična emisijska spektrometrija, univerzalna oprema za testiranje je bila zagotovljena v smeri Industriji in centru je bila zagotovljena visokokakovostna dobava surovin in izdelek na visoki ravni Pridobili smo vrsto mednarodnih certifikatov, vključno z ISO9001, ISO 14001 in ISO 45001, ter pridobili prestižne certifikate APl in BV. Pomagali smo pri reviziji nacionalnih standardov in oblikovali sistem vodenja kakovosti, ki spremlja vse faze proizvodnje, od surovin do končnih izdelkov. Naše storitve, proizvodnja in standardi kakovosti so med najboljšimi v poslu.
Skupina Huitong je spletla močne odnose z najboljšimi domačimi in mednarodnimi podjetji, vključno s China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group, XCMG, SANY Heavy Industry, Zoomlion, Dongfang Electric, Shanghai Electric in Shengli Oilfield. Z napredovanjem s temi vrhunskimi podjetji ostajamo usklajeni z nenehno spreminjajočih se časih in sodelujejo pri gradnji svetlejše prihodnosti. Izdelki jeklenih cevi skupine Shandong Huitong so široko sprejeti po vsem svetu. Najbolj priljubljeni izdelki se prodajajo v več kot 100 državah in regijah, vključno s Kitajsko in Indijo, Tajsko, Vietnamom, Koreja, Iran, Turčija, Brazilija, Egipt in drugi. Skupina Huitong je bila priznana kot prevladujoča sila v kitajski industriji brezšivnih jeklenih cevi.
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