Steel casing is a heavy-duty pipe that coats the inner lining of the well. It serves as a protective layer to prevent the walls of the hole from collapsing inward. In addition, it maintains cleanliness of the well by keeping dirt and other undesired products out of it. Seamless steel casing is a very strong and common type of steel casing used by driller, it has multiple advantages over other types of steel casing.
The casing of the well stands made of seamless steel to support the oil and gas reserves properly. The casing is made by heating steel until it is very hot and wound into a tube. Special because it is pipe, there are no welds or seams, making it immensely strong. What that means is that it is less prone to break or crack which is extremely critical when operating under high pressure.
Seamless steel casing is not only strong but also prevents rust and wear in harsh environments. Oil wells tend to be in salty regions, and the saline rots steel pipes over the years. The pipe can also be deformed from high pressure within the well. In order for steel casing to withstand these demanding environments, special enabling has been made, which contributes to its high endurance and long service life.
Another very important characteristic of シームレス鋼管 is its capacity for high pressure. Pressure conditions inside an oil or gas well can be very high, so if the wrong casing is used, it can lead to severe consequences such as a disastrous accident. Seamless steel casing is built to withstand high-pressure conditions that would break or crack weaker materials.
Seamless steel casing has one more benefit: it retains its shape due to its resistance to pressure. This is important because it stops the pipe from bending or buckling. This functionality is particularly useful for oil and gas wells situated in regions prone to earthquakes or other ground shifts. Stabilizing the pipe helps make sure you can keep drilling safely.
A wellbore casing solution that maintains stability of the walls of the wellbore while providing overall security is seamless steel casing. It prevents the walls from collapsing, which keeps the wellbore intact. It also prevents external contaminants from penetrating the well and cross-adding to develop oil and gas, for which the quality is vital.
Seamless steel casing not only provides structural support, but it also helps drillers while drilling oil well pipe, so they are more precise. It stabilizes the drill bit — the instrument that digs the well — and creates a smoother surface for the bit to pass through. This leads to more accurate drilling, which can translate into better yields, meaning drillers can extract more oil or gas from the well.
山東慧通グループの品質検査センターには、最先端の科学的検査技術、80Mpa静水圧ミル、超音波探傷器、電流亀裂検出システム、発光分光法、業界の王者に与えられた万能試験機などのハイエンド機能を備えた品質制御装置が装備されており、センターは高品質の原材料の供給と高効率の製造を保証しています。 当社は高品質の原材料を供給し、非常に高い製造レベルを持っています。 ISO9001、ISO 14001、ISO 45001など、数多くの国際認証を取得しており、APlとBVの権威ある認証も授与されています。 当社は国家基準の改訂に協力し、原材料から最終製品までのすべての生産段階を監視する品質管理システムを開発しました。 当社のサービス、生産、品質基準は、この分野でトップクラスです。
当社は、石油ケーシングチューブ、中高圧蒸気ボイラーチューブ、油圧サポートパイプ、自動車用ハーフシャフトスリーブ、流体輸送、構造用シームレス鋼管の最大かつ最も多様なパイプメーカーです。河北省、山東省、河南省地域。最先端の冷間引抜シームレス鋼管を9001本持っています。 ISO9001生産ライン、ISO14001熱間圧延シームレス鋼管生産ライン45001本、ISO30、ISO850,000など、さまざまな国際証明書を取得しており、権威ある認証も取得しています。また、XNUMXの精密圧延ユニットも持っています。 APIとBBVを合わせた生産能力はXNUMX万です。 当社は、さまざまな仕様と材料のさまざまな国内トンのシームレス鋼管とその基準の改訂に貢献してきました。 また、原材料から最終製品までのすべての段階を監視する包括的な品質管理と検査プロセスを確立しました。当社の生産製品は、電力、石油生産能力、品質、サービス基準が市場で最も高いものを含む、あらゆる産業に使用されています。発電、化学、石炭、機械、防衛、航空宇宙、海事など。
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